2013 Global Skills Challenge

The 2013 Global Skills Challenge (GSC), an integral event for preparation and training in the lead up to the 42nd WorldSkills International Competition, will this year be heading to Perth, Western Australia.

Being held between April 30th  and May 4th , the four day event will simulate the conditions which will be experienced by Team Australia in Germany and provide the 2013 Skillaroos with a valuable opportunity to gather as a team and hone their skills against competitors from other countries.

To accommodate the 32 Skillaroos who will be representing 29 skill categories at the international event, the GSC will be held across three campuses of Polytechnic West; Bentley, Carlisle and Midland.

The GSC will provide a fantastic opportunity for people to witness the 2013 Team Australia Skillaroos in action as they prepare for the 42nd WorldSkills International Competition taking place in Leipzig, Germany from July 2nd – 7th, 2013.

For any additional information regarding the Global Skills Challenge, please contact:

Worldskills Australia National Office on (03) 9249 1000.
