WorldSkills Australia National Championships 2018 official medal design competition
WorldSkills Australia is a social enterprise that passionately believes that skills drives your future and Australia’s prosperity. Since 1981 we have been the leading voice for skills excellence in vocational, technological and service oriented careers in Australia and have raised the awareness of hundreds of thousands of young Australians, as well as their parents, industry and employers that our nation’s future depends on an effective skills training systems. For more information visit
The National Championships is Australia’s largest and most successful vocational education excellence competition. Run on a biennial basis, the 2018 Championships will be held at the spectacular ICC at Darling Harbour, Sydney, 2-4 June 2018.
This event will showcase 60+ different skills and brings together thousands of our nation’s best and brightest apprentices and trainees to compete for the title of national champion supported by educators, employers and industry professionals.
As this is a Championship, WorldSkills Australia recognise the first, second and third place winners of these competitions by awarding medals.
These medals will be presented at an official ceremony to be held on 5 June 2018 at the ICC.
To design the medals for the 2018 WorldSkills Australia National Championships.
The creator of the winning design will receive:
- A $500 Visa gift card
- An invitation to the Closing Ceremony on 5 June 2018 where they will be acknowledged (winner to pay own travel and accommodation costs)
- Acknowledgement via the WorldSkills Australia website and social media as well as PR (media coverage is not guaranteed)
- An official letter acknowledging the design for inclusion in your portfolio
There will need to be four types of medals:
- Gold – for first place
- Silver – for second place
- Bronze – for third place
- Official – awarded to key partners such as Government Ministers and
Business Leaders
Design specifications:
- All four medal types are to feature the same design
- The medals can be plated in either gold, silver, bronze, antique gold, antique nickel or antique copper – please select a different colour for each medal type
- Size: 70mm diameter x 6mm thick. Please note: this size is crucial. Any design that deviates from this measurement cannot be considered
- Design – you can use various levels, 3D or different textures and cut-outs provided the final design is no thicker than 6mm and has a diameter no greater than 70mm
- The design is to be on ONE SIDE ONLY – the reverse side will have people’s names engraved upon them
- You can have a ONE colour ribbon, however this can change for the gold, silver, bronze and official – please identify the colour in your design
- The medal MUST feature:
- The WorldSkills Australia logo – please download this from Dropbox here
- The words “2018 National Championships Sydney”
Entry Details
- Entries are now closed. We will soon be announcing the winner of the competition.
- The competition is open to students, classes, and individuals with a flair for design
- Entries must be sent to:
- Entries must include:
- Your contact details (email and phone)
- A short biography of yourself (your team) and explanation on your design
- Designs must be submitted in one attachment as a PDF document
- The winning designer will receive a $500 Visa gift card
- The winning design will be selected from a panel and announced in March 2018
- The winning designer will be invited to attend the Closing Ceremony on 5 June 2018
in Sydney where they will be acknowledged (winner to pay own travel and accommodation costs)