WorldSkills Australia | Annual Report 2022-2023
About WorldSkills Australia?ew
At WorldSkills Australia, we want one thing: for young Australians to have access to vocational education and training that measures up on an international stage.
Why? Because we know that skills and trades are critical for building thriving economies, productive communities and confident young members of society. We know that skills excellence opens up career pathways and opportunities for our young people. And we know that skills and trades shape the world around us.
The main way we support skills excellence in Australia is through our skills competitions – which we’ve been running for over 40 years. Skill competitions happen at a regional, national and international level, and allow young people to benchmark their skill level against their peers.
Over 2021-2022, our organisation has explored new ways to deliver and promote skills excellence in an increasingly digital world. With the pandemic response still a major factor in our decision-making, this year saw WorldSkills Australia employ innovative new ways of achieving our goals.
We’re extraordinarily proud of the work WorldSkills Australia has accomplished this year. Keep reading to discover what we achieved.
Letter from the CEO
It is my pleasure to report on the achievements of Worldskills Australia for the year ending June 30, 2023, as CEO of WorldSkills Australia, the cornerstone within the Australian skills community for benchmarking skills excellence both domestically and internationally.
In July the announcement of Team Australia was conducted at Government House in Canberra by His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley. This provided a wonderful opportunity for our Team Australia members to receive the recognition which they rightly deserved. The event also provided a great branding opportunity, as their excellencies had not previously heard about WorldSkills Australia and the value which it provides in promoting skills. This was the first time that an Australian WorldSkills Team had been to Government House and met with a Governor General.
The inaugural Australian Skills Excellence Forum was held between the 21st-24th July in Brisbane and proved to be program/product that should be further developed. This forum brought together 31 skill leads and 100 plus participants from across the country to participate in a program that further developed them in their chosen skill and provided a conference agenda that engaged them in further person and professional development. The feedback from individuals was extremely positive giving WSA the stimulus to pursue future forums following the national championships.
Australia sent a small team to the WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition, which took place across 15 countries in Europe and Asia, bringing together more than 1,000 apprentices, trainees, and students from 58 countries to compete in 62 skill competitions.
I am pleased to report that Team Australia carried themselves with composure, performed excellently in their individual events, and did a splendid job representing our Nation’s skills and training systems on the world stage. Team Australia 2022 consisted of 34 members, 16 of which were competitors whose results included six Medallions for Excellence, placing them amongst the best in their skill categories. Medallions were awarded in Cyber Security, Digital Construction, Automotive Refinishing, Cooking, Bakery and Hairdressing.
At the conclusion of the 2022 regional round of competitions WSA completed a survey of all competitors and judges and in turn produced a report “Skills Excellence – Building Solid Foundations”. This reported demonstrates the impact that WorldSkills continues to have on both the competitors and our dedicated volunteer judges. Details can be sourced from the WSA website.
The annual regional co-ordinators/state managers workshop was held in Melbourne at the Holiday Inn Southbank from the 2-4th March with a focus on the organisational details of the 2023 National Championships and Skills Show. This continues to be a well-attended workshops with participation from all states and territories.
In the lead up to the National Championships 2 industry engagement and networking events were held to provide an opportunity for all partners, supporters and sponsors to understand more about the value in partnering with WSA and the impact that WSA is having on the VET ecosystem in Australia. These events were held in both Sydney and Melbourne in the first quarter of the year.
WSA would not be able to function to the extent that we do without the tremendous support that we receive from the WorldSkills network. Again, this year we would like to recognise several people that have gone above and beyond in their participation in our skills excellence programs. At the 2022 WorldSkills International General Assembly 9 individuals received Certificates of Merit for outstanding contribution to the WorldSkills movement, with a further 3 partner industries also receiving recognition for their support and contribution to the WSA agenda.
It is excellent to see our hard-working volunteers getting the recognition they deserve for their many years of dedicated effort and service.
As an active member of Worldskills International (WSI), WorldSkills Australia and many of our volunteers and partners have actively participated in many forums and global activities throughout 2022/23. Being part of the global WorldSkills network provides an interactive framework for networking, growth of collaborative partnerships and sharing of best practice.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the Board of Worldskills Australia for their vision, leadership and continued support throughout this difficult year. The team at WorldSkills Australia looks forward to working with you again next year as we continue the journey of promoting skills excellence for the Australian skills and training system.
It is also important to acknowledge that hard working staff of WorldSkills Australia that continue to make great happen in the world of skills excellence. I am proud to work with such a great team of professionals and I thank them on behalf of the greater WorldSkills family for their contribution to skills excellence.
Finally, to our state managers, volunteers, partners and supporters thank you for your dedication to the task and your continued support in representing all things WorldSkills in your region, state/territory or skill area. Your contribution makes WorldSkills Australia a true national organisation with national recognition. Please take the time to look through this Annual Report to see the depth and breadth of WorldSkills in Australia during 2022/23.
Trevor Schwenke
Chief Executive Officer
Letter from the Chair
WSA having met the challenges of COVID, I am pleased to report that WSA delivered several significant outcomes over the period July 2022 to June 2023, met its business targets and with an end of year strong financial position. It achieved these through the power of our volunteers, our committed and very capable partners including Government, TAFE and VET Institutions, industry associations and employers.
Once again, WorldSkills Australia by being agile, innovative, and with the commitment and hard work of many continued its success, demonstrating the excellence of Australia’s skills development system. WSA provided the opportunity for young people to come together, to learn from each other and guided by experts to improve their skills and expand their future opportunities. WSA applied its learning from the challenge of past years and applied innovation in its approach and execution to achieve the results highlighted in this report.
The successful outcomes of 2022-2023 once again demonstrates WorldSkills Australia’s greatest resource is its people: passionate and commitment volunteers and a small and dedicated executive team supported by a corporate board consisting of volunteer directors. I thank them on behalf of many.
I also thank WSA’s government, employers, education and training, and Community partners who have supported WSA’s efforts. Your investment, collaboration and trust are greatly appreciated.
I commend this Annual Report to our stakeholders.
Kevin Harris PSM
WorldSkills International Official Delegate
WorldSkills Australia Board Members
Kevin Harris | Chair
Since retiring from his role as the CEO of one of Australia’s Leading TAFEs, Kevin remains very active volunteering his expertise and extensive experience in various leadership roles. These include non-executive director positions in VET and Higher Education and membership of national skills development committees for the Australian Government and industry employer organizations. He is currently a member of the Australian National ICT Industry Reference Committee and the chair of the Australian Information Industry Association Digital Skills Policy Advisory Network. Kevin is an active volunteer in his local community and Surf Life Saving Australia.
Kevin was awarded the Public Service Medal in the 2014 Queen’s Birthday Honours List for his achievements in public education and skills development.
Kevin joined the WorldSkills Australia Board in 2010 and elected as Chair in December 2017. He has previously been a member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee as well as Deputy Chair.
“To ensure sustainability and success, being vocationally competent is a great start. However, to realise the opportunities of the 21st Century world of work and the economic revolution of Industry 4, excellence in vocational skills is essential.
“WorldSkills Australia connects young people, community and industry in enabling and powering their achievement in skills excellence. We provide the means to test and improve Australia’s skills excellence against the rest of the world as an active and leading member of the 80plus nation strong membership of the WorldSkills International organisation. As chair of WorldSkills Australia, being part of a team that enables young people to develop excellence in skills and to bring them forward as inspiring young leaders is an extraordinary privilege.” – Kevin Harris
Megan Lilly | Deputy Chair
Megan is the Head of Workforce Development for The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and a Director of the Australian Industry Group Training Service and Graduate Employment Services. Megan is responsible for the development of all education and training policy as well as member service delivery across the breadth of workforce development. Prior to this, she was the Chief Executive Officer of Business Services Training Australia, the national industry advisory board for the business services and related industry sectors. Before joining the national board, she held several senior management positions in various Victorian TAFE institutes.
Megan joined the WorldSkills Australia Board in March 2017 and was elected Deputy Chair in December 2017. She is a member of the Australian Industry Skills Committee (alternating Director), Chair of Manufacturing Skills Australia, member of the Australian College of Educators, member of the Salvation Army Disability Employment Services Advisory Committee, and the Naval Shipbuilding College – Delivery Advisory Committee.
Previously Megan has been a member of the Australia India Education Council, including Chairing the Skills Working Group, Australian Qualifications Framework Council, Queensland Ministerial Commission, Victorian Skills Commission and Australia Pacific Technical College, a member of the National Skills Standards Council, and the National Quality Council, chaired the Joint COAG-NQC Working Group – VET Products for the 21st Century and has presented at international conferences. Megan holds a Masters in Educational Policy and Administration.
Jack Hanrahan | Chair of Finance and Audit Risk Committee
Jack Hanrahan has over 30 years of experience across various sectors developed with both publicly listed and private companies as well owner of his own business. Jack operates his own retail advisory business, and multiply board appointments as a Non-Executive Director.
A Masters Degree from MGSM and author of “Retail Strategy Planning & Control”, in addition to other published papers on retail. He has taught MBA & Graduate programs in marketing, retail, and strategy at several universities and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Jack joined the WorldSkills Australia Board in 2011 and has been a member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee since then.
“I’m passionate about education and training and how they provide wonderful opportunities to people. WorldSkills is a fantastic way to improve and showcase young people’s skills in a local, national and international environment and to be the best you can be.” – Jack Hanrahan
Jarrod Langdon | Director
Jarrad has completed several TAFE courses and achieved local and international success in his chosen field of graphic design. In 2005, he won a gold medal in Website Design at the WorldSkills International Competition in Helsinki.
In 2007, Jarrad established Jala Design Pty Ltd, an Australian design agency with a passion for strategic website design and development. In addition, Jarrad teaches part-time at TAFE NSW to help train the next generation of developers. He continues his involvement with WorldSkills Australia as a regional judge, project designer, national skill advisor and has previously held the position of International Deputy Chief Expert for WorldSkills International Championships.
Jarrad has been a member of WorldSkills Australia Board since 2011 and is currently a member of the Nominations Committee and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
Trevor Schwenke | Director
Trevor is the current Chief Executive Officer of Worldskills Australia and has spent some 30 years as a volunteer within the Worldskills family. He has more than 24 years’ experience in key leadership roles in the vocational education and training, higher education, school and corporate sectors. In 2013 Trevor was recognised as the Queensland Professional Manager of the Year by the Australian Institute of Management. Trevor began his career as a tradesman (Boilermaker Welder) and holds qualifications in Engineering, Education and Online Learning. He is a previous CEO and General Manager within the TAFE sector across both Queensland and Victoria . Trevor has held several board positions and is passionate about skills and training.
Trevor joined the WorldSkills Australia Board in 2017 on the Nominations Committee and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, and was appointed as CEO in July 2019.
Terri-Helen Gaynor | Director
Terri-Helen has significant experience in providing operational management and strategic leadership in the corporate, government, NGO, B2B, B2C and B2G sectors globally and specifically in the Asia Pacific region including as a key advisor to governments and Ministers. Her roles have mainly centered on government relations, policy development, advocacy, marketing and communications and stakeholder and community engagement.
Terri-Helen has Chaired and sat as non-executive director on a number of industry and NFP Boards. Terri-Helen is the CEO of the Australian Institute of Training and Development and a former CEO of Endometriosis Australia.
Terri-Helen is extremely passionate about youth and diversity in the workplace and has worked for many years to ensure that the connection between government, community and industry is there to support the leaders of tomorrow.
Stephen Roche | Director
Stephen is a current Partner within the Assurance and Advisory section of Deloitte’s Australia. He brings over 25 years of experience providing audit, due diligence and accounting advice services to listed, government and private entities at a global and local level. Stephen holds a Bachelor of Commerce and is a Chartered Accountant and his experience includes two years auditing in the US (New York), where he coordinated several global audits and developed an in-depth knowledge of effective corporate controls in a Sarbanes Oxley (“SOX”) environment.
Currently, Stephen is a Director and Chair of the Audit Finance and Risk Committee of the Victorian Law Foundation. He is also an Audit Committee member for Group Eight. Stephen joined the WorldSkills Australia Board in December 2017 and is Chair of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
Mary Faraone | Director
Ms Faraone commenced as Chief Executive of Holmesglen Institute in October 2013. Mary has had extensive experience in the VET sector, working with industry, RTO’s and TAFE in various roles prior to joining Holmesglen Institute in 2003. Mary has been particularly instrumental in leading the Institute’s teaching and learning, including the introduction of higher education, securing a number of significant national and international projects, and leading the successful development and implementation of significant industry partnerships.
Mary is committed to the role public tertiary education plays in supporting social inclusion and social cohesion in the community, and its underlying values of equity and access. Mary is optimistic for the future of TAFE and VET and looks forward to leading the organisation to ensure it remains at the forefront of tertiary education with pathways and programs at the senior secondary, technical and vocational and higher education sectors. During this time the Institute has won several major awards and the state and national levels, in particular fivewins for Industry Collaboration at the Victorian Training Awards, 2017 to 2019, 2021 and 2023 and two- time winner of the same category at the Australian Training Awards in 2017 and 2019.
Mary is the Chair of the TAFE Directors Australia Board and a Board member for the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics.
Mary became a board member of WorldSkills Australia on 20 May 2022.
John Tucker | Director
John Tucker is the General Manager of TAFE Queensland (SkillsTech), the largest provider of trade and technical training in the state of Queensland. John is a member of the TAFE Queensland executive team and leads the apprenticeship training delivery strategies for TAFE in Queensland.
Prior to his current role, John has held numerous senior executive roles in the sector and is a passionate advocate for vocational training. John has dedicated his career to developing strategy and policies to ensure best practice in skills training at a senior level. Apart from a Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education, and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, John holds leadership and project management qualifications from University of NSW and University of Southern Qld.
John became a board member of WorldSkills Australia on 20 May 2022.
Quarter 1
July - September 2022
In Quarter 1, WorldSkills Australia celebrated a significant milestone by unveiling Team Australia at Government House, marking a remarkable achievement for both competitors and experts. Concurrently, the launch of the 2022 Regional Competitions unfolded nationwide, intensifying competition for spots in the upcoming National Championships. Additionally, the Skills Excellence Forum enriched participants' journeys towards skills excellence, offering valuable insights and learning opportunities.
Quarter 2
October - December 2022
In Quarter 2, the closure of the 2022 Regional Competitions marked the culmination of 425 events nationwide in Australia. Simultaneously, the global stage witnessed the commencement of the 2022 WorldSkills Competition Special Edition in various different countries, with a handful competitors honoured with the prestigious Medallion of Excellence. This was a huge success for WorldSkills Australia.
Quarter 3
January - March 2023
During Quarter 3, we organised a Networking for Excellence event leading up to our National Championships, alongside a rewarding Regional Workshop, offering various opportunities to participants. Furthermore, we proudly announced Rachel Crawford, a 2022 WorldSkills Australia Skillaroo, joining the WorldSkills Champion Trust for the Oceania and ASEAN region—an immense honor, celebrating Rachel's achievement and extending congratulations from WorldSkills Australia.
Quarter 4
April - June 2023
In the lead-up to the 2023 National Championships at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Quarter 4 marked the culmination of preparations. During this period, we organised a networking event, unveiled a regional survey report showcasing compelling statistics that bolstered the notion of skills excellence within WorldSkills Australia. Additionally, we proudly featured a VETiS Carpentry stand at the TradesFit expo, aiming to promote and support women in trades alongside the National Championships.