April Update
The WorldSkills Australia (WSA) ‘cycle’ of competitions is in full swing across the country with Regional Competitions taking place at the same time as final preparations are being made for the 2013 Team Australia Skillaroos major training initiative, the 2013 Global Skills Challenge (GSC).
Last month, some of the first of the 2013 Regional Competitions were held across the Melbourne and Victoria Country regions (Victoria) and the Wide Bay region (QLD). Thanks to the tireless efforts of dedicated members of both regional committees, both were extremely successful events with the Landscape regional competitions for Melbourne and Victoria Country being held as part of the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show. The regional structure of WSA is integral to the success of the organisation as we aim to increase the involvement of apprentices, trainees, students, trainers, teachers and employers alike throughout the country.
At the other end of the spectrum, final plans are being put in place for the 2013 GSC to be held in Perth in late April and early May. A much used phrase in sport is that there is nothing like ‘match practice’ – and this is what we are trying to provide the Skillaroos as we head into the GSC. Thanks to some tremendous support from our main partner, Polytechnic West, our sponsors and building on the success of the 2011 GSC held in Wollongong, we have been able to attract competitors from 10 WorldSkills International Member countries/regions. We look forward to welcoming all participants to Perth for the 2013 GSC – an event which again will showcase the benefits of the WorldSkills International network.