Healthabitat Sanitation Studio in Bangladesh

WorldSkills Australia’s Bricklaying Expert, Troy Everett joined the Healthabitat Sanitation Studio in Dinajpur, Bangladesh in October on a 10 day volunteer program.

The project involved working closely with local partners on the detailed design and construction of two trial toilets and waste systems that included hand washing and water supply for two local families.

The aim of the project was to improve sanitation standards and create a system that can be effectively replicated utilising all local products and materials within a reasonable budget.

One of the designs utilised a brick septic tank system and the other a precast concrete ring system, each of which flowed into a soakage trench that was designed to protect the many rice fields in the area from contamination.

“While there we did experience some challenges with poor weather and a rising water table but I felt that the work went really well. The locals were all so very welcoming and generous, and there were also three other international volunteers assisting who were all great people” said Troy.

The finished systems will be evaluated over the next six months as prototypes for an ongoing village sanitation program.

“I have to say I didn’t know what to expect before I went to Bangladesh, the volunteer work is something I have always wanted to do but I am so glad that I took the opportunity. I feel it has been a life changing experience. The opportunity for me to become involved came through the WorldSkills Foundation, they are doing a lot of great work in many ventures around the world. I sincerely hope to remain involved and help where I can, including attracting more WorldSkillers to become involved” said Troy.
