July Update
Late last month, the Minister for Industry, the Hon. Ian Macfarlane MP outlined his vision “for a more accessible and responsive national training system that gives businesses the skilled workers they need now, and into the future”. Speaking at the National Skills Summit, the Minister stated that “If we get VET reform right we can make an enormous contribution to a better Australia – a more dynamic, more competitive and more productive Australia”.
As we have continually stated, skills shape people and societies – they are the foundation of modern life. Skills are the driving force behind successful careers, innovative and leading companies as well as thriving industries and economies.
One of the recurring themes of the Ministers address was the need for quality – a quality system providing quality outcomes.
WorldSkills is the collective voice for quality and skills excellence in VET. Participation and success at WorldSkills competitions is a reflection on not only the individual competitor but also the teacher, trainer, training organisation and industry.
The 2014 WSA National Competition in Perth is fast approaching. Competitors are finalising their training – overseen by passionate and dedicated teachers, trainers, mentors and employers. Just to reach this stage, they have already displayed skills excellence by winning their respective regional competitions – individual skills excellence of the competitor themselves as well as organisational skills excellence of the training organisations and employers for whom they represent.
The National Competition will see over 500 competitors continuing their journey of skills excellence– young Australians who have been and continue to be nurtured by quality providers and quality employers – all contributing to, as the Minister stated “a more dynamic, more competitive and more productive Australia”.