Korea Bound: WorldSkills Australia experts invited to judge the 2016 WorldSkills Korea National Skills Competition
Last month, International Experts in Cookery and Beauty Therapy, Ianthe Smith and Christine Churchill respectively, completed the judging panel at the 2016 WorldSkills Korea National Skills Competition. Now in its 50th year, Korea’s National Skills Competition was held from 5-12 October in Ulsan, South Korea. Competitions in 49 skill categories were held across five locations in Ulsan City.
Ianthe and Christine were both honoured to be personally invited to judge the competition in their respective categories. Both were impressed with how well the competition was organised. “All information that we needed regarding travel and the itinerary was given in advance,” said Ianthe.
The competition projects in both categories were very similar to WorldSkills Australia’s competition projects. Both Judges were impressed by the level of skill displayed at the competition. “It was great to see so many young people in Korea working in trade areas as a positive job prospective which is highly respected.”
The experience held benefits for Competitor and Judge alike. TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute Director, Robin Shreeve said, “Involvement in international competitions can be a very rewarding experience for teachers. It provides an exposure to international practices and ensures that we are staying ahead and driving development in Australia.”
Despite the cultural differences between the two countries, Ianthe and Christine felt very welcome by all involved. WorldSkills Korea provided both Judges with an interpreter to ensure that communication did not present an issue. “The Korean Judges were all very accommodating and hospitable people and very kind,” said Christine.
“It was a great experience and I would do it again.”
Well done, Ianthe and Christine!