Message from the CEO: Welcome to Skills Show Australia 2018

Imagine the most engaging and interactive event centred around vocational education and training (VET).

What would it look like?

A bustling hub of ideas, with 1000s of participants exploring their potential across dozens of pathways and skills.

Who would be there?

The nation’s leading experts in their fields be available to not only ask questions, but demonstrate the exciting places skills and trades can lead.

How would people feel when they were there?

It would be a source of inspiration for the future.

This is the vision we have for Skills Show Australia 2018.

It is this vision that is driving us to provide a space where the future of Australia’s workforce can explore, test drive and find their future path.

From working with Federal & State governments, training organisations and schools, we know that every young person comes through their education with different interests and passions, strengths and talents, who deserve an opportunity to pursue their passions and talents, hopefully towards a career or pathway that is sustaining as it is fulfilling.

We are working towards a vision of a VET event that will provide all visitors with a completely immersive experience – an experience that will shift the confusion around skills and trades careers to excitement, anticipation and action.

Over three days, the Skills Show will facilitate an atmosphere of experimentation and discovery through competitions, interactive events and demonstrations. As proud host of the WorldSkills National Championships, we want to be able to inspire the next generation of skilled young people to follow their passions, interests and talents for the securement of their own future, and of Australia’s.

We are working to inspire and energise, as well as to help source the future resources Australia will need to remain a strong and independent nation. We are engaging with industry leaders and leading RTOs to help find and inspire the extra 19,000 waiters, 11,700 bar attendants and baristas, 26,100 electricians, 12,000 carpenters and joiners, 7800 plumbers and 18,000 software and applications programmers expected to be hired from 2015 to 2020.

We often hear often that Australia is facing a national skills shortage and that schools are not equipping students with the skills they need for work in the 21st century. Our vision for the Skills Show is our dedication to our purpose – to encourage Australians to celebrate vocational education and training, and create an understanding that to learn a skill-based career is one of the most important decisions a young person and their family will ever make.

We couldn’t do this without our industry & commercial partners, our Federal and State government partners, and of course, our volunteer workforce who dedicate their time, energy and passion towards skill excellence and equipping the next generation with the knowledge and training to be the best they can be.

We look forward to welcoming you, your students, families and employers to Skills Show Australia 2018, June 2-4 at the ICC in Sydney. Keep up to date with all that is happening with the Skills Show at our new website

