Where are they now? Printer Andrew Rajcany
Andrew completed his Graphic Arts Prepress Apprenticeship at the Sydney Institute TAFE in July 2003. Now, with almost fifteen years industry experience under his belt, he works as a Solutions Analyst at Fuji Xerox Australia.
Andrew shares his experience about completing an apprenticeship and how competing in a WorldSkills National competition developed his skills.
Andrew said: “An apprenticeship was the most logical choice for me as I wanted to ‘learn and earn’. My family was going through some financial challenges and the burden of University debt was daunting. I was looking for a balance of creativity and technical skill in my future career; I discovered Graphic Prepress and I knew that it was the right choice for me.”
Andrew credits his apprenticeship with Rose Graphics for teaching him the value of hard work, persistence and goal setting. Although each day brought challenges he was offered the opportunity to work in all different areas of the trade before reaching the holy grail of Prepress – Mac Operator.
“Being so young at the time was a massive advantage for me as I was the only person in the business with computer skills. Rose Graphics first purchased a Mac at the beginning of my second year and by third year, I was training the tradespeople in Mac Operating. It was an intense, but rewarding, experience as I was learning the software at TAFE and teaching it the next day at work.”
The chance to compete in WorldSkills’ Regional and National competitions developed Andrew’s skills and gave him valuable experience in following client briefs. The WorldSkills format closely resembles what he now does in his job every day; meeting with clients, documenting requirements and fulfilling a brief. The aspects of his job he enjoys most are the flexible work hours, flexible work location, local and international travel and feeling valued as part of a team.
Andrew concluded: “My priority is my family, I have been married for 13 years and have three children. I’m grateful that my choice of career is personally rewarding but most importantly provides a home for my family.
“I would highly recommend apprenticeships; you learn a set of skills that carry you through your entire career.”