Ron Simeon

Volunteer of the Month

Ron Simeon is a longstanding member of the WorldSkills Australia family. He has worn many hats during his time as a WSA volunteer including, regional, national and international project designer and judge. In more recent years he has been the Chief Judge at both regional and national levels and he currently holds the position as a WorldSkills Expert. Ron is also an avid fundraiser, organising charity golf days to raise funds for his category.

When he is not fishing or playing golf, Ron is either tiling or training up future wall and floor tilers either through this role at WorldSkills or as a TAFE teacher at Polytechnic West. His involvement with WSA reflects his passion for youth and the future of his industry.

WorldSkills Australia would like to thank Ron for his continued support. He has been a role model and mentor to many and he continues to generously give his time to training the next generation of wall and floor tilers.