WSI Volunteer Opportunities – WSC2022 Shanghai China

As WorldSkills International do for all WorldSkills Competitions, they will appoint personnel to the Extended Secretariat to assist with the delivery of WorldSkills Shanghai 2022. The Extended Secretariat increases the capacity of the Secretariat with a mix of volunteers (from our Member organizations) and contractors. For our Members, it provides a unique opportunity for some staff to volunteer and gain experience and learning at the international level and for WSI to benefit from their contribution.

An expression of interest (EOI) process is now open and closes on 30 April 2022. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of positions and respective role descriptions have not been finalized. Therefore the EOI process requests applicants to select their preferred teams coupled with an overview of their skills and experience to support their selection.

Members are encouraged to have appropriate and interested personnel within their organization complete an EOI. WSI will select a diverse team that provides the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to deliver WSC2022 while also offering an opportunity to as many Members and individuals as possible.

Please find attached information regarding the EOI process and additional information for prospective applicants.

If you have any questions, then please contact Jane Scott –

Additional information:

WSI Extended Secretariat expression of interest for WorldSkills Shanghai 2022

Closed Loop Management system overview

Expert journey overview

Prevention and control of COVID-19
