Nicolas Martin

WorldSkills History:

  • Regional Competition 2009: Silver
  • National Competition 2010: Gold

About me

Initially I followed my older brother into the trade.  I started as a wash up boy at Lenard’s Chicken shop in Nowra, and quickly picked up the necessary skills to commence an apprenticeship at Gerringong Gourmet Meats.

In the short term of my career I would like to manage a butcher shop and gain further experience before opening my own shop in the future.

How has WorldSkills Australia helped me?

WorldSkills Australia has helped me to develop in my career.  It has helped me to become more professional in my standard of work and also to be proud of what I do. WSA has changed me into the person I am today through the challenges I have experienced.  It has been a great part of my learning and it’s an amazing opportunity for anyone who is interested in improving their skills.

Work Experience in the UK

I would like to experience a variety of work in my industry including customer service, breaking and boning techniques, small goods production, shop management systems, window displays, marketing tactics and wholesale and exports.

Ideally I would like to further my knowledge of the industry and gain new techniques and ideas but overall I would simply like to gain experience in a foreign environment with different produce. I am sure this experience will serve me throughout my career and I would love to bring something back to the Australian meat industry.

I am definitely looking forward to the leadership challenge and the experience of seeing another country. I can’t wait to see what the UK has to offer.