Byron Allsopp

Training Institute: Axial Training
Qualification: Certificate II in Meat Processing (Meat Retailing)
National Results: Gold Medal
Byron “Byro” Allsopp is a dedicated butcher with a true passion for his industry and a strong desire to help Australian communities.
Choose three words that best describe you.
Honest, funny loyal
What do you enjoy most about your trade/skill?
Hands on tasks like breaking down carcasses and preparing them for display or value-adding. The interaction with customers puts a nice change on day-in day-out routines.
What has been your favourite part of your WorldSkills Australia experience?
I honestly enjoyed my whole WorldSkills Australia experience and if you asked me to do it again I would gladly say yes. The highlights were definitely the competition and trip to Perth, the awards ceremony and all the lurks and perks of receiving a medal.
What type of work experience would you like to undertake in the UK?
I would like to undertake work experience in a retail environment, learning different products, species and value-added products along with different cutting methods and techniques. I want to increase my knowledge, better my trade skills, have a broadened product knowledge, a better understanding of cultural differences and anything else that I can take on board to bring back into Australia and hopefully introduce into retail environments here.
Tell us one thing that most people don’t know about you.
I was conceived through IVF.
If you had one unlimited resource at your disposal for one day, what would it be and what would you do?
I would knock down all major supermarkets and build a chain of produce and grocery stores including locally owned stores like bakers, butchers, fish mongers, fresh produce, cafe’s etc. and charge minimal rent to keep product cost to a record low passing on savings to customers which would have a beneficial outcome to all Australians.
What is the funniest question you expect to be asked about Australia?
Can you chew gum leaves?
You’re on your way to the UK so it has to be asked: Vegemite or Marmite?
Vegemite hands down.