Mitchell Cook

Training Institute: Canberra Institute of Technology
Qualification: Certificate III in Wall & Ceiling Lining
National Results: Gold Medal
Mitchell “Cookie” Cook is a talented plasterer is eager to bring the new skills he will learn to Australia in the hopes of one day opening his own plastering business.
Choose three words that best describe you.
Easy-going, dedicated, friendly
What do you enjoy most about your trade/skill?
There is something different about every job I do, and there is a different job at to do nearly every week so I’m not stuck in one place for very long.
What has been your favourite part of your WorldSkills Australia experience?
Everything from meeting new people and forming friendships that I will have for a long time, to testing my skills against different styles of plasterers from different areas of Australia.
What type of work experience would you like to undertake in the UK?
Mainly work that we don’t do much of here in Australia. In England they do a few things different in the work they do on the houses. I would like to learn different ways in which the English work as plasterers and work in situations I have not come across in Australia.
Tell us one thing that most people don’t know about you.
I used to be right into Warhammer 40k – a small figurine game that you used to have to put together and paint yourself.
If you one had unlimited resource at your disposal for one day, what would it be and what would you do?
Money – and would invest it in a fair few things so it wouldn’t just be a one day thing and keep accumulating.
What is the funniest question you expect to be asked about Australia?
No doubt something about the wildlife like everyone seems to ask – snakes, spiders, kangaroos, something silly.
You’re on your way to the UK so it has to be asked: Vegemite or Marmite?