Luke Diaz

Training Institute: Gordon TAFE
Qualification: Certificate III in Electro-technology
National Results: Gold Medal
Luke Diaz is a talented apprentice electrician with a keen interest in discovering new processes and technologies within his profession.
Choose three words that best describe you.
Dedicated, loyal, motivated
What do you enjoy most about your trade/skill?
Every day is different. There are always new problems to solve – I never get bored.
What has been your favourite part of your WorldSkills Australia experience?
Making new friends. The team members that travelled to Perth from Geelong were a bunch of awesome people.
What type of work experience would you like to undertake in the UK?
Hopefully some form of industrial manufacturing. I would love to gain experience in a big car manufacturing company to see how to process and technology are different. I would love to achieve experience working in a big company with new technology and high production volume.
Tell us one thing that most people don’t know about you.
I don’t really have many secrets.
If you had one unlimited resource at your disposal for one day, what would it be and what would you do?
My unlimited resource would be time, and I’d do everything I wanted to.
What is the funniest question you expect to be asked about Australia?
I’m not sure.
You’re on your way to the UK so it has to be asked: Vegemite or Marmite?