Andrew Seeley
“Professionally, WorldSkills Australia has helped me enormously as it has reinforced everything I have learnt through my studies at TAFE. I have successfully transferred the skills I have gained through competing in WorldSkills into my day-to-day work which in turn has improved my work ethic and commitment to my job. It has also provided me with a greater understanding of software applications.”
Andrew started using computers when he was two years old and has since loved everything to do with them. After completing his HSC he started an IT traineeship at the Blue Mountains City Council.
Andrew highly recommends a trade to others as he believes it “provides a great hands-on experience and a solid foundation for the beginning of one’s career.”
Andrew would highly suggest others participate in WorldSkills Competitions as “it has been one of the best experiences of my life.”
In the short term Andrew would like to study Computer Science at University. In the long term he would like to gain employment with an overseas company and to enhance his professional skills.
Of the WorldSkills International Competition Andrew says, “I%27m looking forward to meeting people of different cultures and learning how they complete their tasks in comparison to the methods used in Australia. I%27m also excited to be competing in an international venue representing Australia in my category.”
Favourite motto?
No raindrop thinks it caused the flood.
In one word describe how you feel about representing Australia in London?