Disha Anchan
Industry 4.0
WorldSkills Lyon 2024
Medallion for Excellence
- Region Melbourne
- Training Institute RMIT University
- Supported by Victoria State Government

Disha Anchan was studying Engineering when her teacher, and now mentor, told the class about the WorldSkills Australia Regional Competitions. Intrigued and excited for the opportunity to learn more about the exciting field of Industry 4.0, Disha signed up and has gone on to great successes – both in terms of competition performance and personal growth.
With a background in engineering, Industry 4.0 has pushed Disha outside of her comfort zone, and she’s learned a lot that she’ll be able to apply in her future career. From Networking to Cloud Computing, Disha has enjoyed broadening her knowledge and, with the support of her friends and family, has become a formidable force.
As an only child, Disha is very close to her parents. Her father encourages her to seize every opportunity that comes her way – an attitude that has served her well during WorldSkills competitions. When her busy schedule of training, studying, and work was feeling difficult to manager, Disha’s father supported her to dig deep and embrace her natural talents. She will be channelling that loving motivation as she competes in Lyon.
“My friends from high school have been instrumental in shaping me into who I am today. Not only are they fun to be around, but we also all support each other and they’ve helped me with the ups and downs in my life. I’m grateful to have them– particularly as I’ve been working so hard at my skill.”
Industry 4.0 Team
Expert – Anu Mehta