Star Van Wageningen

3D Digital Game Art

WorldSkills Lyon 2024

Help Star compete in Lyon

With a passion for both art and technology, Star Van Wageningen was thrilled when she found a career path that combined the two: 3D Digital Game Art. And so, at just 15, she completed her certificate in the subject and set about honing her skills and learning all she could about the field.

Star’s school recognised her talents and passion and nominated her to take part in the WorldSkills program, in which she emerged as one of the final three selected to compete in the Nationals. Her preparation for the competition was significantly bolstered by her mentor, a teacher in the trade, who provided invaluable guidance and support.

3D Digital Game Art is not just a personal passion for Star but a family affair. Her younger brother has completed his Certificate 3 in the same trade, and her two younger sisters are also keen to follow in her creative footsteps. This familial involvement creates a supportive and inspiring environment for Star to develop her skills further.

“The support of my mentors, family and friends has been pivotal so far on my WorldSkills journey. They motivate me and keep me focus when the anxiety creeps in.”

3D Game Art Team

Expert – Ryan Goggin

Star Van Wageningen is supported by: