Candice Faranda

Candice is from Western Australia and works at Hairloom in Osborne Park. She trained at the Taylor Weir School of Hairdressing in West Perth. Candice’s Hairdressing expert was Donna De Maria, employed by the North Coast Institute of TAFE.

Candice grew up with a family of hairdressers and spent her time in the salons as a child. To Candice, there was no other career path she wanted. She started in the Hairdressing industry through work experience and has since completed her apprenticeship.

Since first competing in the WorldSkills competitions, Candice has received an AOF (Australian Overseas Foundation) scholarship to work overseas. She also travelled to the UK and France to extend her training with overseas experts. As a Skillaroo Candice believes her clientele has dramatically increased due to the exposure.

Candice feels that university has been portrayed as the only career pathway, but says that a trade can open doors to a career overseas, other avenues of study and starting your own business. It is in hairdressing that Candice is able to be creative and make others feel good about themselves.

Where is Candice now?
Candice Faranda is currently undertaking her AOF scholarship and is certainly turning heads since competing in Japan. Impressing her employers with her hairdressing skills at Headmasters, UK’s fastest growing Hairdressing Company.

Candice says she has received a lot of recognition and exposure within the hairdressing industry since competing in Japan. “Personally I feel I have gained some great knowledge which has assisted me getting closer to reaching some of my goals.”

Candice doesn’t look like slowing down anytime soon and as for the next 12 months…? “Busy busy busy! I hope to learn and get involved with more platform work and session styling. London has a lot of offer and it would be great to get an insight into it all.”

A few words for the competitors of Team Australia Calgary 2009
“Do all that you can to be able to perform and showcase your best work. An opportunity like this is priceless, so give it all you’ve got.”