Alex de Koeyer
Plumbing & Heating
- Region Riverina Murray
- Employer Philip Gosbell Plumbing

Training Institute: TAFE NSW, Riverina Institute, Albury
Regional Results: Gold
National Results: Gold
Qualification: Certificate III in Plumbing
“WorldSkills Australia competitions are a fantastic way to challenge yourself in your field of work and to learn more about yourself both personally and professionally. I have met some incredibly inspirational people and have found the entire experience highly rewarding. The most exciting part for me was the International Competition.”
When he completed year 12, like many 18 year olds, Alex had no idea which career direction to take. It was through watching his brother excel as a plumber that Alex first considered the industry as a pursuable option. “My brother opened my eyes to the diversity of the industry and all of the possibilities and places plumbing can lead to and that’s why I made the decision to try my hand at the profession,” said Alex.
He decided to begin the search for an apprenticeship and not long after successfully obtained a position at Phillip Gosbel Plumbing, it has been a decision he has never looked back on.
What Alex enjoys most about his work is that no two days are ever the same, “plumbing is an industry where you are required to develop a wide variety of skills to deal with many different types of work. One day you may be called in for a maintenance job and then the next you might be asked to resolve a major industrial situation,” says Alex.
In 2011, Alex’s TAFE teacher encouraged him to compete in a WorldSkills Regional Competition, telling Alex he believed he had the skills and the work quality needed to be successful. His teacher was proven correct when Alex was awarded the gold medal in Plumbing for the Riverina Murray region. He then progressed to the National Competition, and again walked away with the top spot.
Alex is excited about exploring the many opportunities and pathways available through his plumbing qualification.